About Me

Welcome to my blog! I am an experienced software delivery and quality professional with years of experience leading fast paced teams in some of the world’s largest organisations like Royal Bank of Sotland, Barclays, Merrill Lynch, Fiserv. Still a curious student of delivering quality in fast, secure and repeatable fashion. Lead multiple initiatives training high performing engaged teams with focus on continuous improvement.

I specialize in test automation and test management, and have a proven track record of delivering large complex and mission-critical projects on time and within budget.

I started my career as a white box tester, but quickly realized the significance of repeatable, lightweight test automation. Over the years, I have developed expertise in various automation tools and frameworks, and have helped organizations implement automation strategies that have improved their testing efficiency and effectiveness.

As a test manager, I have led large and diverse teams of testers, and have successfully delivered projects across multiple domains, including healthcare, finance, and e-commerce. I am passionate about mentoring and coaching testers, and have helped many of my team members grow in their careers.

In this blog, I will be sharing my insights and experiences in software testing, and will cover topics such as test automation, test management, testing best practices, and emerging trends in the industry. I hope you find my content helpful, and I look forward to hearing from you!
