Benefits of Automated API Testing

API testing is a critical component of software development, ensuring that the application programming interface (API) works as intended and meets the necessary standards. Manual API testing can be time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to scale, which is why many organizations are turning to automated API testing. This article will provide a detailed overview of automated API testing and its advantages over manual testing, including increased efficiency, consistency, cost-effectiveness, improved test coverage, and reduced time-to-market. By the end of this article, readers will have a clear understanding of the benefits of automated API testing and the tools and best practices they can use to implement it successfully.

Benefits of Automating API Testing

Automated API testing has become an essential part of software development, providing numerous benefits to organizations of all sizes. In this section, we will explore the five key benefits of automated API testing, including increased efficiency, consistency, cost-effectiveness, improved test coverage, and reduced time-to-market.

Increased Efficiency

Automated API testing increases efficiency by allowing developers to run tests quickly and consistently. Imagine a factory assembly line where each worker is responsible for a specific task. Each worker needs to ensure that their task is completed correctly before passing it on to the next person. In the same way, automated API testing helps developers to ensure that each component of the software is functioning correctly before moving on to the next step.


Automated API testing provides consistency by ensuring that the same tests are run every time with the same expected outcomes. Think of a vending machine that dispenses the same product every time a customer inserts the correct change and makes a selection. The vending machine is programmed to perform the same task consistently, ensuring that the customer receives the product they expect. Similarly, automated API testing provides developers with the ability to run the same tests repeatedly, ensuring that the application programming interface works as intended each time.


Automated API testing is cost-effective in the long run, even though there may be initial costs involved in setting up the testing environment. Industry statistics show that fixing a bug in production can cost up to 100 times more than fixing the same bug during the development phase. By catching bugs early through automated API testing, organizations can save time and money in the long run. Additionally, automated testing reduces the need for manual testing, which is more time-consuming and expensive.

Improved Test Coverage

Automated API testing can provide improved test coverage by enabling developers to test a large number of scenarios that would be difficult to test manually. Think of a metal detector scanning a large area. The metal detector can detect metal objects that are hidden in the ground, even in areas that are difficult to search manually. Similarly, automated API testing can detect bugs and errors that would be difficult to find through manual testing, providing developers with a more comprehensive understanding of the application programming interface.

Reduced Time-to-Market

Automated API testing reduces time-to-market by enabling developers to run tests quickly and easily, allowing them to catch bugs early and fix them before they become bigger issues. Industry statistics show that organizations that use automated testing are able to release software updates faster than those that rely solely on manual testing. By reducing the time it takes to catch and fix bugs, automated API testing helps organizations get their products to market faster, giving them a competitive advantage.

Widely used Tools for Automated API Testing

Automated API testing is essential in software development to ensure that APIs are functioning correctly and efficiently. There are several widely used tools for automated API testing, including:

  • Postman – provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing API requests and test cases. Postman offers a feature called “collections,” which enables developers to group together related API requests into a single folder for easier management. Additionally, Postman provides real-time monitoring and testing of APIs, which can help to identify any performance issues or errors.
  • SoapUI – designed specifically for testing SOAP and REST APIs. Provides a powerful interface for creating and running tests. Supports data-driven testing, which enables developers to test APIs with different input parameters and data sets. Additionally, SoapUI offers a range of reporting and analysis features, which can help developers to identify performance issues and optimize their APIs.
  • Rest-Assured – built on top of the Java programming language. Provides a range of features for testing REST APIs, including support for JSON and XML formats, test assertions, and response validation. Rest-Assured is also highly customizable, allowing developers to create tests that are specific to their API requirements.
  • JMeter – Widely accepted as a performance testing tool for APIs but some teams also use it for checking functional scenarios. Could help reuse the same scripts for functional and manual verification of APIs.

Factors that help selecting automation tool for APIs

When choosing an automated API testing tool, there are several factors to consider, such as:

  • Ease of use – developers need to quickly create and run tests without spending a lot of time configuring the tool.
  • Integration with other development tools, such as continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, which can help to streamline the testing and deployment process.
  • Support for different API formats.
  • Reporting and analysis capabilities.
  • Cost.
  • Current skills of the testers.
  • Overall testing strategy. example – if Performance is a valid concern; considering JMeter above others may help to re-use scripts once created for the second purpose effectively increasing the ROI on automation.

Choosing the right tool depends on the specific needs of your development team. With the right tool, automated API testing can help to streamline the testing process, improve test coverage, and ensure the quality and efficiency of your APIs.

Pros and Cons of Creating a Custom API Automation Framework

Automated API testing is critical in software development to ensure that APIs are functioning as intended. While there are several widely used tools available for automated API testing, some developers may choose to create a custom automation framework using a programming language such as Python or Java. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to building a custom framework.

Advantages of Creating a Custom API Automation Framework:

  • Flexibility – a custom automation framework can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your development team and API requirements. This can provide greater control over the testing process and enable more advanced testing scenarios.
  • Cost – in some cases, building a custom framework may be more cost-effective than purchasing a commercial tool. If your development team has the necessary expertise in programming languages and testing methodologies, building a custom framework can be a cost-effective option.
  • Integration – a custom framework can be integrated more easily with other development tools and processes, such as continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. This can help to streamline the testing and deployment process.
  • Leverage Dev help – Most scrum teams have more developers as compared to testers. In a truely agile team, the custom framework can utilise the existing development skills of developers to help automate earlier in the development cycle helping shift the tests left.

Disadvantages of Creating a Custom API Automation Framework:

  • Expertise – building a custom framework requires significant expertise in programming languages and testing methodologies. If your development team does not have the necessary skills, building a custom framework may not be a viable option.
  • Maintenance – maintaining a custom framework can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive task. As APIs and testing methodologies evolve, the framework will need to be updated and maintained accordingly.
  • Time – building a custom framework can take a significant amount of time and resources. This may delay the testing process and impact the overall time-to-market for your software.

In some cases, a custom automation framework may be necessary. For example, if you are using a proprietary API or need to perform more advanced testing scenarios, a custom framework may be the best option. However, it’s important to consider the expertise and resources required before deciding to build a custom framework.

Integrating API Tests into the Development Process with Gated Check-Ins

As software development processes become more complex, it becomes increasingly important to implement automated testing to ensure software quality. API testing is a crucial part of software development that verifies the functionality and reliability of the application programming interface (API) that connects different software components. However, it’s not enough to simply automate API testing – it’s essential to integrate it into the development process in a way that maximizes its benefits.

One popular way to integrate API tests into the development process is through gated check-ins. Gated check-ins involve running a series of tests, including API tests, on changes to the codebase before they are merged into the main codebase. If the changes pass all the tests, they are merged in; if not, the changes are rejected and the developer is notified of the issues that need to be addressed.

Gated check-ins can significantly improve the quality of software by catching bugs early in the development process. By integrating API tests into the gated check-in process, developers can ensure that the API is functioning correctly with each code change, reducing the likelihood of introducing bugs into the codebase. This can ultimately lead to faster and more efficient development cycles, as issues are caught and fixed before they become larger problems.

One popular example of a gated check-in process is GitLab’s CI/CD pipeline. This pipeline includes a series of tests that run automatically on code changes before they are merged into the main branch. The pipeline includes tests for functionality, security, and performance, as well as API tests that verify the correctness of the API. The pipeline can also be customized to include additional tests based on the specific needs of the project.

However, it’s important to note that implementing gated check-ins for API tests requires some planning and coordination. Developers need to ensure that the tests are appropriately scoped and that the API tests cover all necessary functionality. Additionally, the feedback from gated check-ins needs to be actionable and communicated effectively to developers.

Best Practices for Automated API Testing

Automated API testing is a crucial part of any software development process, and using the right tools and practices can help ensure that the testing is effective and efficient. In this section, we will discuss some of the best practices for automated API testing, including the importance of choosing the right tools, maintaining and updating test cases, and collaboration between development and testing teams.

Select right tools for the job

Choose the right tools for the job considering factors like ease of use, integration with other tools, and support for different programming languages. Some popular tools for automated API testing include Postman, SoapUI, and Rest-Assured, each with its own unique features and benefits.

Test Structure

Write clear and concise test cases that cover all aspects of the API, including edge cases and error conditions.


Regularly update and maintain test cases to ensure they accurately reflect the API’s current state.

Version control

Use version control to manage test cases and ensure they remain consistent across different environments and team members.

Integrate with CI / CD

Implement continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) processes to automate testing and deployment, reducing the risk of human error.

Dev collaboration

Collaborate closely with developers to ensure that API changes are reflected in the test cases and that any bugs or issues are identified and addressed as early as possible.

Maximise ROI by using it’s core strengths

API tests are often very fast to execute and reliable / repeatable if designed well. Find uses to support the development process such as Implement a monitoring system to detect issues in real-time and proactively alert the team. This can be a game changer to help identify issues early as well as helping pin point issues with integrations or dependencies that are hard to identify and record.


Use metrics and analytics to track the performance of the API over time, identifying trends and potential areas for improvement.

Plan for scalability

Consider using a cloud-based testing platform to scale testing efforts, reduce costs, and improve performance.


Document test results and share them with stakeholders to provide transparency and ensure alignment with business objectives.

Process reviews

Regularly revisit the processes to ensure the automation is being utilised by teams to determine the quality of the features covered and identify areas of improvement if not.

Share responsibility of Quality

Seek feedback of test design and coverage from developers / architects for complex API implementations.

Automate APIs for more than functional checks

Remember to automate and test the non functional aspects of APIs (if they are a potential concern for your respective application)

By following these best practices, you can maximize the benefits of automated API testing and ensure that your API is delivering the expected value to users.


Automated API testing is an essential practice for ensuring the quality and efficiency of software development. It provides numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, consistency, cost-effectiveness, improved test coverage, and reduced time-to-market. Additionally, using widely used industry-standard tools such as Postman, SoapUI, and Rest-Assured can make the process of automated API testing even more effective.

When considering creating a custom API automation framework, it is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages carefully. While a custom framework may be necessary in certain situations, such as when using a proprietary API, it also requires significant expertise and resources to develop and maintain.

To successfully integrate API tests into the development process, gated check-ins can be used to catch bugs early and improve collaboration between development and testing teams. By implementing these checks with tools such as GitLab’s CI/CD pipeline, organizations can ensure that their code is always of high quality.

Finally, adopting best practices for automated API testing is crucial for success, including choosing the right tools, maintaining and updating test cases, and promoting collaboration between teams.

Automated API testing is a powerful tool for organizations to ensure the quality and efficiency of their software development. By adopting this practice as a best practice, organizations can improve their software development process and provide better quality products for their customers.

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